The women in today’s text are going to the tomb to preform a death ritual. In the first century they have rituals just as we have rituals today. We attend funeral services, send cards, make memorial contributions. In the first century women would anoint the body with spices. As the women approach the tomb they expect the body to be there. Dead people remain dead they do not move about. Finding an empty tomb is confusing, upsetting. If you think about it - it is down right unnerving.
But that is not the story - That is not God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb.
It might have be easier if Jesus was in the tomb. We could pay our proper respects to him. The tomb could become a shrine and we could go there when we want to honor him. Jesus was a great teacher, healer, prophet. We will always remember him. We celebrate the day of his birth and the day of his death. It would be easier if Jesus would be in the tomb
But that is not the story - That is not God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb.
When the women get to the tomb two men in dazzling clothes as them - why are you looking for the living among the dead?? He has risen.
In today’s text from Luke the women are TOLD. All they have is the word. It is not Jesus in the dazzling clothes. It is a message, a reminder of what Jesus told them before he died.
We are in the same situation as the women at the tomb. We are given a message. A message that is confusing. Face it - The message of resurrection flies in the face of what we know to be true in the world around us. We don’t see the dead getting up and sneaking out of the funeral home. It doesn’t happen! It defies Logic!
But that is not the story - That is not God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb
The women are confused. They run to the disciples to tell them the news. And what do the disciples say - it’s an idle tale. But it is what you would expect them (or us) to think. We know the dead do not get up and walk away.
The disciples do not believe! They are trusting what they have experienced and seen all their lives. They know that even the strongest die. They know that death is certain and everyone eventually dies. They believe what they know is true. They know Jesus is dead and he was placed in the tomb.
But that is not the story - That is not God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb
Even though the disciples push off the women’s story as an idle tale. To Peter the tale of an empty tomb is worth a look. It is one of those stories that are so outrageous you ask Can it be??? Could it possibly be true!! Peter needs to see for himself.
When it comes down to it isn’t that why we are here today. We are just like Peter running to see for ourselves. Saying This story is so amazing can it possibly be true?? Could it be the tomb is empty?? Could it be that Jesus has risen?? Could it be death does not have the final say??
That IS the story - That IS God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb
The message today is Maybe the women are speaking the truth; Maybe we can believe the word. Maybe we will stand in amazement with the women and Peter.
The message today is How can you be so sure about the Jesus death? Faith is believing that although Death is certain it is not final. Jesus has risen and the only way to explain it is by the mystery and amazement of our faith.
That is the story - that is God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb
So where is Jesus? - right here with us - with the church down the street - with the church on the other side of the world - with the starving children in Haiti - with the refuge woman in Darfar - with the man dying in the hospital and with the new baby being born
Jesus is everywhere.
That is the story - that is God’s plan - Jesus is not in the tomb
So what do we believe??? We can say Jesus is dead and we are here in his memory. Which pretty much makes it the end of the story. Nothing more to do but send flowers to the tomb once in while and remember him on the anniversary of his birth and death
But if we believe the women, the word, we know Jesus has broken out of the tomb and into the world. The tomb is not a memorial - Jesus does not want us to bring spices to anoint his body and leave him for dead. Jesus does not want us to remember him twice a year with flowers and then forget. Jesus is with us right now, everyday and calls us to continue his work. Jesus has risen so all can live.
That is the story - that is God’s plan. Jesus is not in the tomb Jesus is here today and everyday!!
(The italic parts were read by my husband from the balcony)