Saturday, July 23, 2011

Are You Living Your Birth-Right?

Preached July 10th at the Grove Service

As we continue with our series on the family of Abraham in Genesis.  Today we hear about Jacob & Esau.  Last week Abraham sent his servant to find a bride for Isaac.  If you remember Isaac is about 30 or 40 and Abraham decided it was about time for Isaac to get married so.. Abraham sends his servant back to his homeland and there is Rebekah by the well.   The servant brings Rebekah back to Isaac and that is where we ended last week - Rebekah and Isaac go into his tent - they are in today’s language - married.
    Well now it is about 20 years later and they have no children.  So Isaac prayers for a child.  And Rebekah becomes pregnant.
    Rebekah also prays during her pregnancy - because it is not an easy one and she has lots of pain.  God also answers her prayers but I an sure not in the way she wanted - he tells her she is having twins and the older will serve the younger; the two will never get     along.  By the end of today’s text the twins are grown.
    Esau has been out hunting and is hungry.   He wants some food, he is not starving - maybe very hungry, after all he probably did a lot of walking but it is the hungry we all have when we come back from a hard day’s work.
    But starving or not .. Esau wants food now and he doesn’t care about the cost.  I want it and I want it now!
    This seems very much like the reasoning of a small child.  I need it now!  If you had children or ever worked with children you know when a child is acting like this you can get them to do things.  Will you pick up your toys, finish your homework, clean your room  if I give it to you - The answer usually is - Yes.  Why will they agree?  Because I need it now!

    So Esau ... who needs this food right now ... is willing to give up his birthright to get some fast food  instead of waiting while he makes it himself.
    Of course we say how could he do that - how could he be so self centered on the immediate?  What is the matter with him?
    But in reality how many times do we “need’ something immediately?  Let’s face it we have become a society where everything is immediate satisfaction.  Very often we are just like Esau.
    Esau was hungry and he wanted his food now!  So he was willing to give up his birthright to get some fast food - instead of waiting to make his own.
    As children of God we have a birthright. But how many times do we give up that birthright because we want something right now - we can’t wait - we won’t settle for less - we even convince ourselves we cannot do without it!  We too are willing to give up our the birthright that God gave us.
    Yesterday at the wedding I read from 1st Genesis. God made man and woman and gave them dominion over the earth. We are in charge of the earth and the animals and the plants.  But how do we care for it?  By supporting companies that pollute it; that spill oil into rivers and oceans, that spout gases into the air.  Jesus calls for us to care for the sick the poor the oppressed - we don’t do too good a job at that either.  Paul calls the churches to care for the widows and orphans well ......
    We have a birthright and just as Esau we give it away.  Just like Esau we selfishly give it away because we want something right now.  We want companies to produce goods as cheaply as possible so we don’t have to spend money.  We want the Drs. to be on call just for us - even if it means others have to wait or may not get treatment.  We want that extra money in our pockets - who wants to share with those who have nothing to give back to us.  We give our birthrights away everyday so we can have instant gratification. the end of the day, when it comes time to be close to God, when we want our prayers answered, when we feel out of touch; confused and at a loss and in need of God.  We want our birthright back.
    Just as Esau - We can’t have it both ways - we live out the birthright God gave us or we sell it for the latest gadget, an extra dollar, a bowl of stew.
    Imagine what the world would could look like if we lived the birthright God gave us?  If everyone would share what they have, love each other, live the way God intended us to live.  We could change the world!!!    If you decide to to truly live your birthright - what would you need to do?  What changes would you have to make in your life?
    Now before that gets overwhelming - and you decide not to anything -
    What choices could we make today - right here- right now that could bring a change in the world?
    No we can’t change the entire world but we can change our own piece of it.  We can make significant changes in our own lives that can change the lives of others.
    If we live the birthright God gave us - live our lives following God’s call, the world will be a better place for all!  It all begins with us!